Annual report2019


Premium business

PLN 295 million

Consolidated net profit in 2019

Record sales in 2019 by two business segments, i.e. Aluminium Systems and Flexible Packaging, as well as maintenance of the sales volume of extruded products confirm that the Capital Group has managed well in the fast changing global economic environment. Compared to the year 2018, the consolidated sales grew by 7%, up to PLN 3.2 billion. Also foreign sales increased for the same percentage and amounted to PLN 1.5 billion.

See report summary

Strategy – a road to success

PLN 16,447 million

This would be the amount of accumulated sales revenue in the 2015–2020 strategy period, assuming that the Capital Group executes the financial assumptions for the year 2020.

On 5 February 2020 we announced ambitious objectives to be attained in 2020, the achievement of which within the 6 years of the Strategy, by 2020, would enable the generation of consolidated sales amounting to PLN 16.4 billion, EBITDA of PLN 2.7 billion, and PLN 1.6 billion of net profit. Capital expenditure in that period amounted to PLN 1.3 billion. A similar amount was also paid out to the shareholders as a dividend.

For the future...

12 environmental indicators

under the GRI standard

We are aware that we impact the environment in a direct and indirect way. Therefore, we operate such as to reduce that influence to the minimum.

Socially responsible

over PLN 20 million

within the Capital Group CSR activities

You grow, we grow, they grow – we believe in harmonious development and sharing good with our surroundings.

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