Annual report2019


Environmental policy - Group for the world

ikona 1


GRI indicators

related to the environment



of waste collected within the 'Let’s Clean the Beskids' initiative



sunflowers planted within the "Sowing the Sun" project

We impact the environment in a direct and indirect way; therefore, we operate such as to reduce that influence to the minimum.

Grupa Kęty S.A. is a partner of the Poland-wide 'Bike HELPS' initiative, which combines sports, charity and ecology.

Only in 2019 the participants of the initiative who selected a bike as a means of transport limited CO2 emission by over 15,000 tonnes.

The 21st century poses a great challenge to everyone with regard to environmental protection, natural resources or impact on the changing climate. The challenges refer to all, however, the broadly understood business or production companies have a measurable influence on the issues. The Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. is aware that it impacts the environment in a direct and indirect way, therefore, it operates such as to reduce that influence to the minimum.

Since 2015, in the non-financial data disclosure, we have consequently presented as much as 12 environmental indicators under the GRI standard. The process of defining the reporting areas comprised the prioritisation of environmental aspects identified within the framework of the management system based on the ISO 140001:2015 standard implemented at the Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group companies. That register covers all elements of the activities of the companies, including goods and services which can interact with the environment. The analysis of the importance of a given aspect to stakeholders and of its environmental impact was the basis for priority assignment. As a result, the following GRI indicators were selected: 103-2, 103-3, 301-1, 301-2, 302-1, 303-2, 303-3, 305-1, 305-7, 306-1, 306-2, 307-1, as they best refer to the activities of the Group and its impact on the environment. These indicators are associated with the environmental areas and components that the particular companies of the Group can influence to a great extent, i.e. air, water, effluents, waste, materials, fuel and energy consumption, or compliance with the legal regulations.

Responding to the trends and regulations regarding climate neutrality, the Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group strives to limit the impact on the environment by creating low emission industry and effectively uses the resources.

When analysing the environmental impact of the companies, we pay particular attention to air emissions of gases and dust, especially of carbon dioxide, as air emissions are sources of direct environmental impact. Total greenhouse gas emissions are low due to the nature of the in-house processes and the thermal efficiency of devices. The Group companies are not subject to the EU Emissions Trading System. The greenhouse gas emitted by the systems at the EPS, the ASS and the FPS is CO2. The emitted carbon dioxide originates from the combustion of natural gas in boilers, radiators, thermal oxidisers, heaters and industrial furnaces.

We have been focusing on our impact on the climate and analysing the risks which may originate at our organisation in relation to these issues. We have also separated a natural capital. These are new challenges and experiences for us, but we treat them as a priority and approach them as a potential.

Our mission 'For the future...', which originated over 8 years ago, is very up-to-date and requires our engagement in caring for the well-being of future generations, effective use of the natural capital we manage, and the human capital which is an extraordinary asset of our organisation. We want to run a cohesive and balanced business. We wish to cope with the expectations and challenges of the 21st century, so as to measurably reflect that in our strategy for the subsequent years and be able to prove to the future generations that the strategy has been a success.

Grupa Kęty S.A. concentrates on environmental education. In 2019 it was engaged in many local and country-wide ecological projects. The most important ones include:

'Let’s Clean the Beskids' – accessed by 631 people, including 334 children and youths. The total of 10,200 litres of waste was collected from the mountain tracks.

'Bike HELPS' – CO2 emission limitation by over 15,000 tonnes.

'Sowing the Sun' – sunflowers planting around Poland.

'Letters to the Earth' – children from all over Poland write Letters to the Earth, conveying to the adults their ideas for ecological actions and behaviour. For the second time already the initiative was accessed by the children of the Capital Group employees and the charges of the ‘Grupa Kęty for the Children of Podbeskidzie Region’ Foundation. We are proud to present the Book of Letters to the Earth.

'A Book Supports the Hero' – an educational upcycling campaign, which promotes the second life of products. It deals with collecting books and organising their charity sales.

These are only selected examples of the actions in which the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. has actively engaged. Such simple, friendly projects build the environmental awareness and sustainable development among all stakeholders.

A detailed description of the indicators may be found in the report of the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. on the operations of the Company and the Capital Group in 2019, pages 50–55

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