Annual report2019


GRI Table

The table below comprises links to the indicator descriptions in online version.
All indicators are available in the report of the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. on the operations of the Company and the Capital Group in 2019

102-14 CEO or equivalent senior position statement on the relevance of sustainability to the organisation and the organisation’s strategyLetter of the President of the Management Board4-5; 36-37
102-15 Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunitiesRisk management32-35; 60-61G.3.1; G.3.2
102-1 Name of the organisation6
102-2 Primary brands, products, and servicesExtruded products
Aluminium systems
Flexible packaging
6; 10-12
102-3 Location of the organisation’s headquarters6
102-4 Number of countries where the organisation operates, and names of countries where either the organisation has significant operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability topics covered in the report6;10-12; 32-33
102-5 The nature of ownership and legal form
The Company on the capital market
6; 62
102-6 Markets served, including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of customers and beneficiariesExtruded products
Aluminium systems
Flexible packaging
6; 10-12; 32-33
102-7 Scale of the organisationStrategy
in figures

Financial capital
6; 9-12; 17-27
102-8 Total number of employees and workforce by employment type, employment contract type, region, and gender42-43Principle 1S.2.1
102-41 Percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements44
102-9 Description of the organisation’s supply/value chain10-11
102-10 Any significant changes during the reporting period regarding the organisation’s size, structure, ownership, or its supply chainAbout the Report9; 35-36; 62
102-11 Report whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organisation48Principle 8
102-12 Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organisation subscribes or which it endorsesCorporate Social Responsibility36-37G.2.2
102-13 Memberships of associations (such as industry associations) and/or national or international advocacy organisationsCorporate Social Responsibility36-37
102-45 The organisational structure of the organisation, including main departments, subsidiaries, related parties and joint ventures, indicating which of them are not covered by the report9-10
102-46 Process for defining the report content and the aspect boundaries. The implementation of the reporting principles for defining the report contentAbout the Report35-36
102-47 All the material aspects identified in the process for defining the report contentAbout the Report35-36
103-1 Aspect boundary within the organisation for each material aspectAbout the Report35-36
103-1 Aspect boundary outside the organisation for each material aspectAbout the Report35-36
102-48 Effect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports, and the reasons for such restatementsAbout the Report35-36
102-49 Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope and aspect boundariesAbout the Report35-36
102-40 A list of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisationStakeholders37-38
102-42 Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engagStakeholders37-38
102-43 Organisation’s approach to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group, and an indication of whether any of the engagement was undertaken specifically as part of the report preparation processStakeholders37-38
102-44 Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organisation has responded, including through its reporting, indicating the stakeholder groups that raised each of the key topics and concernsStakeholders37-38
102-50 Reporting periodAbout the Report35-36
102-51 Date of most recent previous reportAbout the Report35-36
102-52 Reporting cycleAbout the Report35-36
102-53 Contact pointAbout the Report35-36
a) Reporting option the organisation has chosenAbout the Reporte35-36
b) Table indicating the place of standard information in the reportAbout the Report56-59
c) Reference to the external assurance report, if the report has been externally assuredAbout the Report35-36
102-55 Organisation’s policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report. If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, the scope and basis of any external assurance provided and the relationship between the organisation and the assurance providersAbout the Report35-36
102-18 Governance structure of the organisation, including committees of the highest governance body, indicating any committees responsible for decision-making on economic, environmental and social impactsManagement Board and Supervisory Board67-78
102-19 The process of delegating authority for economic, environmental and social topics from the highest governance body to senior executives and other employees67-69
102-26 The highest governance body’s and senior executives’ roles in the development, approval, and updating of the organisation’s purpose, value or mission statements, strategies, policies, and goals related to economic, environmental and social impactsCorporate Social Responsibility36-37; 66-69Governance
102-35 The remuneration policies for the highest governance body and senior executives14-16
102-16 Organisation’s values, principles, standards and norms of behaviour such as codes of conduct and codes of ethicsProfessionalism
and ethics
39Principles 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8,10Fair operating practices Labour practices Human rightsG.4.1; G.4.5; G.4.6; S.3.4;
102-17 The internal and external mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behaviour, and matters related to organisational integrity, such as helplines or advice linesProfessionalism
and ethics
39G.4.1; G.4.5; G.4.6; S.3.4;
102-17 he internal and external mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behaviour, and matters related to organisational integrity, such as escalation through line management, whistleblowing mechanisms or hotlineProfessionalism
and ethics
39G.4.1; G.4.5; G.4.6; S.3.4; S.10.2
Economic performance
201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributedStrategy
in figures
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the economic performance aspectFinancial capital26-27
Procurement practices
204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers at significant locations of operation10-11
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the procurement practices aspect10-11
301-1 Materials used by weight or volumeEnvironmental policy - Group for the world50-51E.1.1
301-2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materialsEnvironmental policy - Group for the world50-51Environment / Sustainable use of resourcesE.1.1
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the materials aspectEnvironmental policy - Group for the world50
302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation, by primary energy sourcesEnvironmental policy - Group for the world51-52E.2.1
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the energy aspectEnvironmental policy - Group for the world51
303-1 Total water withdrawal by sourceEnvironmental policy - Group for the world52E.3.1
303-3 Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reusedEnvironmental policy - Group for the world52-53Environment / Sustainable use of resourcesE.3.2
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the water aspectEnvironmental policy - Group for the world52
305-1 Direct greenhouse gas emissions by weightEnvironmental policy - Group for the world48-49E.5.1
305-7 NOX, SOX and other significant air emissions by compound type and weightEnvironmental policy - Group for the world49E.5.2
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the emissions aspectEnvironmental policy - Group for the world48-49Environment / Pollution prevention
Effluents and waste
306-1 Total effluent discharge by quality and destinationEnvironmental policy - Group for the world53
306-2 Total weight of waste by type and disposal methodEnvironmental policy - Group for the world53-54E.6.2
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the effluents and waste aspectEnvironmental policy - Group for the world53-54
Environmental compliance
307-1 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulationsEnvironmental policy - Group for the world54E.7.4
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the environmental compliance aspectEnvironmental policy - Group for the world54
103-2 Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by typeEnvironmental policy - Group for the world55
Environmental grievance mechanisms
103-2 Number of grievances about environmental impacts filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanismsEnvironmental policy - Group for the world55E.7.3
Labour practices and decent work
EmploymentS.2.2; S.2.3
401-1 Total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender, and regionHR policy43Labour practices / Employment and employment relationshipsS.2.15
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees44
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the employment aspect”.HR policy39-40Principle 1
Labour – Management relations
402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes, including whether these are specified in collective agreements44Labour practices / Social dialogue
Occupational health and safety
403-9 Rate of injuries45-46
403-5 Rate of employee training in OHS46
403-6 Health promotion among the employeesHR policy
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the OHS aspectHR policy45-46Labour practices / Occupational health and safety
Training and education
404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category44-45
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the training and education aspect48-49Labour practices / Human development and training in the workplaceS.6.2
Diversity and equal opportunity
405-1 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity13-14; 40-41S.2.9
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the diversity and equal opportunity aspect40-41Principles 1,6Human rights / Discrimination and vulnerable groups
Equal remuneration for women and men
405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men by employee category40-41Principles 1,6
Labour practices grievance mechanisms
103-2 Number of grievances about labour practices filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanismsProfessionalism
and ethics
39Principles 2,6
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the labour practices grievance mechanisms aspectProfessionalism
and ethics
39Principles 2,6
Human Rights
406-1 Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions takenProfessionalism
and ethics
41-42Principles 1,6
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the non-discrimination aspect40-41Principles 1,6Human rights / Discrimination and vulnerable groups
Human rights / Due diligence
Human rights / Fundamental principles and rights at work
Human rights grievance mechanisms
103-2 Number of grievances about human rights violation filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanismsProfessionalism
and ethics
39Principles 2,6
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the human rights grievance mechanisms aspect"Professionalism
and ethics
39Principles 2,6
Impact on the societyS.9.3
Local communities
413-1 Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programmesCommunity involvement46-47Principles 1,8
103-1,2,3 Management approach to the local communities aspect.Community involvement
Corporate Social Responsibility
46-47Principles 1,8Community involvement and development / Community involvement
Education and culture
Employment creation and skills development
205-2 Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures within the organisationProfessionalism
and ethics
39Principles 10
Public policy
415-1 Total monetary value of financial and in-kind political contributions made by the organisation by country and recipient/beneficiaryProfessionalism
and ethics
39Principles 10

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